
Dr. Stephen Prickett is Regius Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Glasgow, and an Honorary Professor of the University of Kent, at Canterbury. He took his BA and Ph.D at Cambridge (Trinity Hall) and a Dip. Ed. at Oxford (University College) before teaching in Nigeria from 1963-5. From 1967 to 1982 he taught at the University of Sussex, before moving to the Chair of English at the Australian National University in Canberra (1983-89). He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, former Chairman of the U.K. Higher Education Foundation, former President of the European Society for the Study of Literature and Theology, President of the George MacDonald Society, Fellow of the English Association, and holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Artois, in France. His publications include one novel, nine monographs, seven edited volumes, and over ninety articles on Romanticism, Victorian Studies and related topics, especially on literature and theology. He is also general editor of a new Reader in European Romanticism, a multi-lingual project involving 18 universities in 15 countries, which was published by Continuum in 2010.

Dr. Joel D. Heck is Professor of Theology at Concordia University Texas and Executive Editor of Concordia University Press. He is the author or editor of nine books, most recently editing a reprint edition of The Personal Heresy: A Controversy, a book co-authored by C. S. Lewis and E. M. W. Tillyard and originally published in 1939 and also a reprint of the Socratic Digest. He teaches courses in Old and New Testament, Reformation history, and the life and writings of C. S. Lewis.

Dr. Caius Dobrescu, b. 1966 in Braşov, Romania. Books published:
POETRY: 1994 – Efebia (Epheby); 1998 – Deadevă (’ndeed); 2009 - Odă liberei întreprinderi (Ode to the free entreprise – for the German version of which he was awarded, together with the translator, Gerhardt Csejka, the Prize for European Poetry of the city of Münster). NOVELS: 1994 – Balamuc sau pionierii spaţiului (Loony Bin or The Space Pioneers); 2007 - Teză de doctorat (Dissertation); 2010 – Euromorphotikon, a verse novel; 2011 – Minoic (Minoan). STUDIES & ESSAYS: 1998 - Modernitatea ultimă (The ultimate modernity); 2001 - Inamicul impersonal (The impersonal enemy); 2000 - Semizei şi rentieri (Demigods and rentiers), 2008 - Revoluţia radială (The radial revolution), 2013 – Plăcerea de a gîndi (The Pleasure of Thinking). Currently he is professor of literary and cultural theory at the University of Bucharest.

Dr. John Lotz, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Associate Professor at UMF, Iași

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